Henry County, Missouri

With all elections in Missouri, voters are required to show photo identification at the polls, including absentee polls. ID that is accepted is as follows:
A nonexpired Missouri driver or non-driver license;
A nonexpired military ID, including a veteran’s ID card;
A nonexpired United States passport; or
Another photo ID issued by the United States or the state of Missouri which is either not expired or expired after the date of the most recent general election.
The little Voter ID cards we send you every two years will not be enough identification to vote, you must have one of the previous mentioned ID's.
Rick Watson
Election Authority
Telephone: (660) 885-7204
For more information regarding upcoming elections please call:
Kelly Marriott
Elections Coordinator
Telephone: (660) 885-7206

Click here to find your polling place: Polling Place Location Lookup
Unsure of what ward or precinct you are in, look at your voter registration card.
Sample Voter Identification Card
Bear Creek/Deepwater-City Hall 317 Missouri Ave, Montrose
Benson Center-Benson Expo Center 1008 E Sedalia Ave, Clinton
Clinton 1-Katy Trail/Camelot Housing 7 Bradshaw Dr, Clinton
Fairview-Deepwater City Hall 707 S Eighth, Deepwater
Leesville-Souls Harbor Worship Center 1151 SE 7 Hwy, Clinton
Osage-Mt. Zion Baptist Church 668 SE Hwy Z, Deepwater
Springfield/Tebo-Calhoun City Hall 201 E Main, Calhoun
Urich-Urich Lions Club 319 Main Street, Urich
Windsor-Windsor IOOF Lodge 216 W Benton, Windsor
Not sure where your polling place is, call us at (660)885-7206.